Guide To Install Yuzu Mods Using The Yuzu Mod Downloader (2024)

If you’re wondering how to install Yuzu mods you’ve come to the right article. We’ll be covering exactly how to setup mods for the Yuzu emulator using a tool called the Yuzu Mod Downloader.

Yuzu took the number one spot on our list of the best Nintendo Switch emulator. The Yuzu Mod Downloader is exactly what its name sounds like. It’s a program that you can use to download game mods for Nintendo Switch games.

The Mod Downloader can be used with both the standalone and installed versions of the Yuzu emulator. It’s great for players who need to download Switch enhancements or workaround mods and alternative mirrors for current games.

Mods lets players play games that have been altered by other mod creator players, changing how it looks or behaves. Mods can vary between small changes and tweaks to full on complete game overhauls and are great for extending the reply value of certain games.

That’s enough of an explanation, let’s get to it!

1. How To Install Yuzu Mods Using Yuzu Mod Downloader?

1.1. Download Yuzu Mod Downloader

1.2. Adding The Mod Downloader to The Yuzu Switch Emulator

1.3. Using the Yuzu Mod Downloader

1.4. Finishing Up In Yuzu

2. Frequently Asked Questions

2.1. How Do I Download Yuzu Mod Downloader?

2.2. Can You Mod Games on Yuzu?

How To Install Yuzu Mods Using Yuzu Mod Downloader?

The Yuzu Mod Downloader wasn’t created by the actual Yuzu team themselves, but rather by helpful third party players. One important thing to note is that luckily the Yuzu Mod Downloader does not require administrator privileges to install and setup. It’s extremely simple to do and shouldn’t take you longer than a couple of minutes to complete.

If at any point you run into any issues and are unable to progress, you may want to stop by the official Yuzu Discord server to ask for some advice. You’re also welcome to leave a comment below and we’ll do our best to help however we can.

Download Yuzu Mod Downloader

First you’ll need to download the Yuzu Mod Downloader. Luckily doing so is relatively easy.

Guide To Install Yuzu Mods Using The Yuzu Mod Downloader (1)
  • When you get to the GitHub for the Mod Downloader, scroll down until you see the Table of Contents on the page and then click Download to be taken to the section to download the correct files
Guide To Install Yuzu Mods Using The Yuzu Mod Downloader (2)
  • Now under the Downloads section, click the link that you see for the latest version or just click this link right here to be taken there directly
Guide To Install Yuzu Mods Using The Yuzu Mod Downloader (3)
  • Scroll down a little until you find the Assets section
  • Because I am using a Windows PC, I will be selecting the zip file named and clicking on it to begin the download
Guide To Install Yuzu Mods Using The Yuzu Mod Downloader (4)
  • Once the download completes, you want to extract contents from the zipped folder using a tool like 7-Zip

Adding The Mod Downloader to The Yuzu Switch Emulator

Now that you have extracted the Yuzu Mod Downloader, you’ll need to add it to the Yuzu emulator so that you can use it.

  • Open up your Yuzu emulator’s folder on your computer named yuzu-windows-msvc
  • Drag and drop the YuzuModDownloader app file from its folder into the yuzu-windows-msvc folder in the Yuzu root folder
Guide To Install Yuzu Mods Using The Yuzu Mod Downloader (5)

Using the Yuzu Mod Downloader

Now that we’ve successfully added the Mod Downloader program to our Yuzu emulator folder, we’ll want to run it so that we can get everything setup properly.

  • Double click on YuzuModDownloader.exe in your Yuzu emulator folder to run it
  • Once the Mod Downloader is running, leave the dropdown selector on the default Download Server of Official Switch-Mods GitHub Repo and click the Download Yuzu game mods button to begin downloading the game mods
  • Keep in mind that if you add new Switch games to Yuzu to play in the future, you’ll need to rerun the Yuzu Mod Downloader again to grab new game mods for the newly added games
Guide To Install Yuzu Mods Using The Yuzu Mod Downloader (6)

Finishing Up In Yuzu

We’ve downloaded our game mods and now we’ll need to finalize the process in the Yuzu emulator so that we can use these mods while playing our games.

  • Open up the Yuzu emulator and right click on the game that you want to setup mods for
  • Select properties from the drop-down menu
  • Under Add-Ons, you will see Patch Name
  • Be sure that both options are actively checked under Patch Name and then click the OK button to go back to the main Yuzu menu
Guide To Install Yuzu Mods Using The Yuzu Mod Downloader (7)
  • Be sure to repeat this process and run the Yuzu Mod Downloader for every game that you would like to use the mods for in Yuzu

You should now be able to run the game in Yuzu and use mods! For more information on available Switch mods, be sure to check out the official Yuzu Switch mods wiki on their GitHub here. They have a list of tons of different Switch games and available mods.

If you’re wondering how to play games online with your friends, be sure to check out our Yuzu online multiplayer guide as well.

Be sure to also check out our Yuzu cheats guide to learn how to setup cheat codes for the emulator.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Download Yuzu Mod Downloader?

Downloading the Yuzu Mod Downloader program and setting it up in Yuzu is a pretty simple process. We explain step by step how to do this in the article above, but essentially you first need to go to the Mod Downloader’s GitHub page to download the files, you then extract them, and next move them into the Yuzu emulator’s folder on your computer.

Finally, you’ll run the Mod Downloader program to install Yuzu mods and then open up Yuzu to include them for each game. We recommend following the instructions in the article above to be sure you don’t miss any important steps necessary.

Can You Mod Games on Yuzu?

Luckily some talented folks from the Nintendo Switch emulation community have made it quite easy to mod games using the Yuzu emulator. You’ll want to use a simple tool called the Yuzu Mod Downloader which will automatically pull in all available mods that you can use for your games. We outline the process on how to download and set it up on your computer in the article above. It takes only a couple of minutes total and is very simple to do.

Guide To Install Yuzu Mods Using The Yuzu Mod Downloader (2024)


How do I install ROMS on Yuzu? ›

Open Yuzu and double click the middle of the window (or double click "Add New Directory" if that shows up). You will be prompted to select a folder. Select the folder where you placed your game file(s). The game should now show up in the Yuzu list and you can launch it by double clicking.

How do I dump ROMs into Yuzu? ›

Right click on ACNH in the game list, and hover over Extract Data, then click RomFS. Select the folder and click Extract. Wait for the dump to complete. For those looking to enhance their Yuzu emulator experience, the Yuzu Prod Keys are essential.

What happened to Yuzu? ›

Why was Yuzu shut down? Nintendo accused the Tropic Haze development team of “facilitating piracy at a colossal scale” – and that Yuzu was among the primary ways the “over one million” illegal downloads of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom were played ahead of the game's official launch.

How to get 120 FPS on Yuzu? ›

Enable 'Stretch to Window' in Yuzu's graphics settings for this to work properly. Makes the game render with a Hor+ 21:9 aspect ratio for Ultrawide displays. Enable 'Stretch to Window' in Yuzu's graphics settings for this to work properly. Unlocks framerate to 120 FPS.

Why is my FPS so low on Yuzu? ›

Change Graphics Preference for Yuzu Emulator in Settings App. Windows allows users to select the graphics preference for individual apps if they want the best experience. Thus, to increase the FPS, you should set the graphics performance of the Yuzu emulator to high.

Does Yuzu have mod support? ›

You won't need Ultimate Mod Manager or dump your own data. arc to install mods. With it being merged to the Master build, anyone can test/play mods on Yuzu! Of course, this works for Suyu as well since that's literally Yuzu from top to bottom with all of its coding.

Can you download mods on Nintendo Switch? ›

In order to be able to run mods on the Switch, loading into a custom firmware (CFW) is required. A custom firmware is a modified version of a computer's software often to alter restrictions and implement custom components into it.

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